
Vino with a view: Mini road trip for wine connoisseurs

from hinterland.camp

The grape harvest is in full swing and you're right in the middle of it in the hinterland! Discover our three favorite wineries around Frankfurt, where you can set up camp right among the vines.

Camper steht auf einem Stellplatz direkt an den Reben bei einem Weingut

3 stops at 3 wineries

The route of the road trip covers around 230 km and three campsites await you along the route, where you can camp right next to the vines on various wineries. Of course, you can also enjoy wine tastings at the respective campsites and sample the diverse regional range together with your hosts. The best thing about it: the wines you enjoy around the campfire at the end of the day are grown right outside your camp door. 

  1. At your first stop, you will visit the youngest winery in the Nahe Valley in Weinsheim. Your host Phil's camp is located in the middle of the vineyards and offers a fantastic panoramic view. 
  2. Continue to the second camp: in Frei Laubersheim, you can camp on a pitch surrounded by vines and flowering meadows with host Johann. 
  3. And at the last stop, your host Anja welcomes you to her vineyard in Bergtheim. The highlight: you can buy wine from the wine shop fridge at any time (even outside opening hours).

Camp in the middle of the vineyards of the Nahe valley

Weinsheim, Germany
Ein Camper steht auf einem Stellplatz des jüngsten Weingutes im Nahetal
Weitblick auf Nahetals Weinberge von einem Camping Stellplatz aus, den man auf hinterland.camp buchen kann
Zwei Flaschen Wein werden in die Kamera gehalten
Gastgeber des Weingutes im Nahetal halten eine Flasche Wein in der Hand

1. Stop

You will spend the first night at the youngest winery in the Nahe Valley with your host Phil. The winery was only established in 2016 and has been producing delicious regional wines, sparkling wine and much more ever since. You can camp on a small and cozy fruit tree meadow next to the sheep with a fantastic view over the vineyards and the small village. Food is also provided, as you can help yourself to the wines from the fridge at the winery at any time.

Including 5 persons, the camp costs 20€ (Price per night & spot)



38 Reviews

The camp in the Nahe valley is very well received by the Hinterland community.

Elke rates her stay with 5 stars and writes:

"Lovely fruit tree meadow on the edge of the little village in the middle of wine and golden wheat. A quiet spot with a view over the beautiful surroundings. Also suitable for minimalists, with just a tent and sleeping bag. The hosts were super friendly and helpful, I learned a lot about organic winegrowing and the enthusiasm of the winegrowers for their work was very inspiring.

I felt very welcome. I would be very happy to recommend the place and will definitely be back.

PS. The area invites you to go hiking, there are well-signposted paths everywhere.

Thank you very much for the great time"

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Amidst the vines and flowering meadows in Frei-Laubersheim

Frei-Laubersheim, Germany
Ein Camper steht bei Nacht auf einem Grünstreifen direkt neben den Weinreben. Man hat einen wunderschönen Panoramablick über die leuchtende Weinregion.
Ein Camper steht auf einem Grünstreifen direkt neben den Weinreben.
Ein Ein Mann sitzt in einem Campingstuhl direkt an den Weinreben vor seinem Camper.
Ein Camper steht auf einem Grünstreifen direkt neben den Weinreben.

2. Stop

The second stop is not far away. By car, you should arrive at your host Johann's vineyard in Frei-Laubersheim in around 20 minutes. The camp is surrounded by vines and a flower meadow and offers a beautiful view of the impressive vineyards. There is a small village next door where you can buy fresh bread rolls from the bakery and groceries from the supermarket, and the absolute highlight of the estate is the wine tasting in the wine tasting room. The hosts take plenty of time to give you an insight into winegrowing and to taste the different wines with you. The camp is the perfect starting point for long walks, hikes or bike rides through the vineyards.

Including 6 persons, the camp costs 14€ (Price per night & spot)



31 Reviews

The reviews reflect how special the camp with host Johann is.

Kathrin gives the pitch 5 stars and writes:

"We had two wonderful days at Johann's. The green area for the campers is right next to the vineyards and a beautiful flowering meadow. Absolutely recommendable! Super place with a great view over the vineyards. Communication was also very straightforward. A wine tasting should not be missed :-) We took a few bottles with us."

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Wine and fruit grounds in Bergtheim

Bergtheim, Germany
Camper steht auf einem Camping-Stellplatz direkt an den Reben eines Weinguts, bei dem man über hinterland.camp eine Camping-Übernachtung buchen kann
Camping-Stellplatz auf einem Weingut
Nahaufnahme einer Weinrebe, die neben einem Camping-Stellplatz wächst
Weingläser auf einem Campng-Tisch mit Weinreben im Hintergrund

3. Stop

For the next stop, you can expect an approx. 2.5-hour drive that will take you to the small village of Bergtheim. There you will be welcomed by your host Anja at the Vinothek. The camp is slightly larger than the previous two and offers significantly more space for camping guests, so you can look forward to pleasant evenings around the campfire with like-minded campers. The camp is located in the middle of the vineyards and offers a cozy atmosphere thanks to the lovingly laid out rows of trees. During opening hours, you can purchase a large selection of wines and regional specialties in the vinotheque or help yourself to the wine fridge outside of opening hours.

Including 2 persons the camp costs 32€ (Price per night & spot)



112 Reviews

The camp is very well received by Anja's visitors.

Kerstin gives it 5 stars and writes:

"The hostess and team were extremely friendly, nice and open-minded.

Always had time for a chat and the small wine tasting was cozy and personal.

The sanitary facilities were new and very well maintained.

SP spacious, between fruit trees, with electricity, fresh water in the sanitary building. Waste disposal available.

An absolute must: a hike to the vineyard chapel. Circular walk approx. 6km.

We would love to come back and can only recommend the site."

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