
Earn money with sleep

Enable nice people with a tent or camper van to spend a few nice days with you in the countryside. We would be delighted if you could enrich the Hinterland with your location and support our mission for sustainable travel.

Create a free listing
Hinterland Gastgeberin mit Camp im Hintergrund
  • New source of income.
    No costs.

    With us, you pay no fees and can earn up to 10,000 euros per season. You'll also benefit from new customers for your farm store or café and can offer other services on site, such as alpaca walks.

  • Your place.
    Your rules.

    You determine the price and can block dates on which you do not wish to receive guests. Before each booking, you can coordinate with your guests via our chat.

  • We are here for you.
    At any time.

    Our personal contacts are always available by email and phone and will be happy to help you create your listing. Of course, they are also there for you at any time if you have any questions or requests.

It takes less than you think.

Guests with a van or motorhome are often completely self-sufficient and need nothing more than a nice spot in the countryside. Electricity would be great, but is not a must. If you also want to accommodate travelers with tents, you would need a toilet and washing facilities. Experience shows that our guests are adventurers and don't need luxury.

Bulli mit Dachzelt unter Bäumen

Become part of a community.

Get to know nice people and bring the vacation spirit home with you. Friendly cooperation and respectful interaction are our top priority - and you can feel it. Hinterland guests are grateful for your great place and share your love of nature. With us, you are part of a movement for local and more sustainable tourism. Because why travel far away when adventure and beautiful nature are so close?

Gruppe am Lagerfeuer bei Sonnenuntergang mit Meer im Hintergrund

Get your own listing quickly and easily.

Simply create a free account with us. You can then enter the information for your listing and upload pictures of your campsite in just a few steps. You then submit your listing and we approve it after a brief check. Then guests can book your listing.

Hund schaut aus Seitenfenster raus

Frequently asked questions

  • What is hinterland.camp?

    With hinterland.camp, we have created a platform that we ourselves have long missed when traveling by van or tent: We bring together the owners of beautiful places and outdoor accommodation with nature lovers. Do you have a meadow, a forest or a large garden? Then earn money by sleeping and rent it out as a host to travelers with a tent or camper van. Do you have outdoor accommodation, such as a hut or tree house? How wonderful. Your guests will be happy to spend the night with you. For you as a host, the listing and our service are free of charge.

  • How do I create a listing?

    Simply click here and create a free account with us. You can then enter the information about your listing and upload pictures of your pitch in just a few steps. It's super quick. Then send us your ad and we will approve it after a brief check. And then you're ready to go! Guests can now book with you.

  • Am I even allowed to do that?

    Yes, as a private individual you may offer up to three tent or camping pitches on your property - with the exception of landscape and nature conservation areas. If in doubt, ask your local authority about regional peculiarities. In Schleswig-Holstein, for example, you are only allowed to accommodate non-motorized hikers for one night with a tent. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, you may even offer up to five tents or pitches with prior approval from the authorities.

  • Who sets the price and length of stay?

    You can freely set the price and the possible length of stay. Would you like to accommodate guests for just one night? No problem. Travelers on tour are always happy to have a nice place to spend the night. Do you want your guests to stay longer? Then simply set the minimum and maximum length of stay accordingly. Your rules apply in the hinterland! You can use our other listings as a guide for your accommodation price or ask us directly for an estimate.

  • How much effort do I need to plan for?

    Our platform offers you a digital all-round package: you receive instant bookings or new requests by email or text message and can approve or reject them individually with just one click. Appointments can also be blocked in advance in the calendar. Your payments are automatically transferred to your account directly after your guests have left. It couldn't be easier!

  • What do the guests expect from me and my place?

    That you provide honest information in your advertisement - otherwise not much. If guests can use the shower/WC, great - but guests with a motorhome are self-sufficient anyway and outdoor professionals know how to behave in nature. Is there electricity? Great. If not, no problem. Many already have solar panels. Ultimately, you decide what you want to offer your guests to ensure they have a great time. A fire pit would of course be a dream!

Unsure? Ask Steffen!

Steffen lacht in die Kamera vor leuchtend grünen Bäumen

Steffen Wagenknecht

Our expert on the topic of hosting

Steffen will make sure that you as a host feel completely at home with us and will be happy to explain in detail how to create and manage a listing on hinterland.camp.

Convinced? We look forward to meeting you!

Create a listing now
Hinterland-Team beim Kanufahren

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Hinterland Wolf der Wuuuuhouuuu schreit